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Meet The Team

Backed By Great People,
100% Customer Focused.

The most important asset to our company, is our people. Our team was built with you as our focus.

Melonny Thompson Headshot

Melonny Thompson

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 1033736
Chris Rose

Chris Rose

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 972739
Lily Blitstein

Lily Blitstein

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 323075
Buddy Moore Headshot

Buddy Moore

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 432212
Jackie Santos

Jackie Santos

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 322456
Brandon Stratt

Brandon Stratt

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 1455476
Logan Cove

Logan Cove

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 2582362
Jake Grosser Headshot

Jake Grosser

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 1753399
John Pettit

John Pettit

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 374775
Anna Parry Headshot

Anna Parry

Loan Originator
NMLS#: 2007750
Hunter Locke Headshot

Hunter Locke

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 2085944
Maria Feliciano Headshot

Maria Feliciano

Director of Processing
James Janoff Headshot

James Janoff

Senior Loan Officer
NMLS#: 353775
Justin Mackler Headshot

Justin Mackler

Director of Operations
NMLS#: 1648112
Todd Hanley Headshot

Todd Hanley, RICP®

Senior Loan Officer
NMLS#: 1013665

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